Rui Costa from Euro Jet to Speak at Virtual NBAA IOC 2020
Euro Jet’s Operations Control Center Manager, Rui Costa gave an on-line presentation at NBAA’s Virtual International Operators Conference (IOC 2020). Rui presented during the session entitled “Regional Review: Europe”. The panel was led by International Trip Planning Services.
Rui discussed the EASA TCO Provision and went through some popular destinations in Europe including Italy, Greece, Croatia, and Montenegro, and how they have been affected by the COVID-19 travel restrictions. He also focused on different alternate airports for long term parking.
The presentation can be accessed here.
For the past few years, Rui Costa has been an integral part of Euro Jet’s OCC, where he has led our OCC team, responsible for all day-to-day flight coordination and planning. Prior to Euro Jet, Rui worked at NetJets Europe for 16 years. He began his career in aviation working for the Portuguese Airforce and then a major Portuguese airline.